Sounds impossible?
It’s really not!! While you’re busy doing other things, selling with a globally recognised company whose products are popular, consumables, and well known is something thousands of people are doing every day!! Just ask the money saving expert who advocates becoming a Representative with this company as a bona fide way of earning those extra pennies that we all do sorely need at the moment.
Why This Company In Particular?
You might well ask ………..and I’m glad you did!! Let me expand on this bold statement of mine.
I’ve been working in partnership with this global cosmetics giant for 12 years now and a Team Leader with them for approximately the same length of time.
When I first started out I’d tried a couple of other ‘MLM’ self employment earning opportunities.
The first was a little-known company ….. known in the world of MLM in the US but not so much here and definitely not with the general public here in the UK… and therein lay the rub … as nice as the products might or might not have been, promoting a pricey product that no one has ever heard of is flipping hard work!!!
So I tried another company… selling all things candles and waxes… yes I did sell a fair bit but it was not something people wanted week in week out … month in, month out… and parties were the main distributing system. Went great at first but the parties started to dwindle as everyone had what they wanted for the next few months thank you very much!! There’s only so many smelly candles you can burn in a house in one day, right??
Seriously though it was difficult for me also because I didn’t believe a single candle was actually worth the amount of money I was asking – it didn’t come naturally to me to sell… not at all…so I realised I needed something else. This was not a good fit for me either ethically or otherwise… . I needed something that was going to virtually sell itself and a brand I could be proud of working alongside …. a brand that was ethical as well as very saleable. Maybe I was searching for the impossible but search I did…. and I came across this really well known brand absolutely hiding in plain sight!!!!
Enter AVON….
This time I did some digging before I got going with this company. I had heard of them of course!! Everyone has heard of Avon Cosmetics … Ding Dong Avon calling… been around a while here in the UK….
so… what did Avon have that the others didn’t?
turns out … quite a lot….
Aside from the obvious … that the products actually DO sell themselves because it’s such a well loved and reasonably priced brand. As I touched on before, it means a great deal to me personally if I know I’m selling quality products at reasonable prices. I have to be committed ethically to a brand I work alongside or it just doesn’t work… I just could not work alongside a company and/or product that I don’t believe in .. perhaps that sounds a little ‘entitled’ or ‘woke’ or whatever you want to call it, but that is just a part of who I am. I have to believe in it or I simply can’t promote it … Anyway … aside from all that … as I was doing my research I discovered another huge WOW Factor with Avon …The charities Avon UK support are amazing … Cancer research … Refuge and Shelter… Coppafeel … plus the absolutely amazing work being done behind the scenes in partnernership with these organisations… now there was a company I could get behind!! Great value products AND a social conscience!!
But it didn’t stop there…. I then find out that Avon was the first global brand to stop testing on animals in their laboratories!! Yes Avon have their very own laboratories!! Little known fact…. They supply other cosmetics giants btw who charge a lot more for the same product!!
Anyway I digress … again … they are now getting the leaping bunny symbol and already have the FRAME bunny acknowledging their efforts.
I realise I haven’t just digressed but gone completely away from the original post which was… make money while you’re doing other things…..
….. I guess I had to waffle on a bit about my journey so far in order to give you potentially YOUR why if you really do want to Earn Money While you’re doing other things!!
….. obviously Avon sell a huge range of quality products for all the family … many of which are …. crucially…. consumables ie need replacing fairly quickly… bubble baths, shower gels, hand creams, hair care, skincare, huge range of makeup to suit all skin types as well as Christmas gifts and gift sets, special deals with designer companies with watches and handbags as well as scarves and other great gift idea … PLUS they are THE NUMBER ONE UK PERFUME BRAND!! Who knew?? (Well actually it’s well documented that their iconic perfume “Far Away” is the whole reason I started looking into Avon in the first place!)
The reason why Avon does this for you is 2 fold…
Let me explain…
You’re dropping brochures around locally… say you leave the brochures with 200 people per month….
while that brochure is in their house & they’re reading it … what are you doing? Are you peering over their shoulder? Perhaps sitting with them advising them what to buy? Are you waiting for them to finish reading it to hand it back to you?
No … you’re … doing the school run…. Seeing your mum…. Working at your full time job ,…. Going on holiday ….. you’re DOING OTHER THINGS WHILE YOUR BROCHURE IS DOING THE WORK FOR YOU and your customer is reading your brochure at their leisure when it suits them. Perhaps with a cuppa or a coffee!!!
Now I said 2-fold…. So…..
When you Become an Avon Representative, you are given your very own Personal Online Shop from which you can sell UK-wide!! You make the sale, Avon make the delivery… so you can literally be selling while you sleep… simply make sure you share your link everywhere and anywhere with everyone and anyone …
but it doesn’t stop there……
when you sign up as an Avon Representative, you are given a free representative-exclusive App called AvonOn where you will have tons of training and support PLUS an Online version of your paper brochure!! It seems Avon really have thought of everything…. still need convincing that Avon is the company to work in partnership with? Give me a shout and I will happily have an obligation-free chat with you….. anyway …
Happy selling whatever you decide to do
Berni x